Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Challenge Yourself Today!

Take the time to respond in a positive manner to the very next request you receive.

Not so much for your own sense of doing good; but for the sake of another. Committing a random act of kindness should not be self serving or for self gratification. It should be done because it's the right thing to do.


Could you imagine a world where everyone had what they needed to survive and live peacefully. For starters, the basic necessities were met, like food, water and a roof over their head. Add to that a means to make ends meet; a decent education, a car, a qualifying job and money in the bank. Yes these are "things", but things that could make a person's life so much easier so they could focus their energies on maintaining and appreciating a life without struggle.

Attitude is everything!

Often times a person's attitude can be a result of an underlying issue; putting aside for now, any mental or physical disability or ailment. They could be on edge about a bill coming due knowing they do not have enough funds to cover the payment. Or their vehicle, their only means of transportation to the job they're struggling to hold on to, has repair costs that are outrageous. Some extenuating circumstance that has absolutely nothing to do with you or your current situation could cause a person to look at you as a suitable object for which to cast their cares upon. You might be viewed as "having it all together" because you decided to "smile" today in spite of your own problems and concerns. And jealousy is a green eyed monster that turns the [usually] nicest of people into unapproachable beasts.

Give It A Try!

So challenge yourself today by making a conscious choice to put a positive 180* spin on someone's negativity. And don't allow yourself to be pulled into their web of despair. Just because, as the saying goes "misery loves company", you should decide not to go to that party. It'll just ruin your positive high. And if your positive efforts are thwarted or ignored, then kick the dust off your shoes and just walk away knowing you tried. Because not everyone wants to come in from the rain. And your positive umbrella just might allow you to see their tears.

Today! ... Set a goal to help one person in distress.

Tomorrow!! ... Set a goal to help two people in distress.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Attitude can be everything!

